Thursday, April 28, 2022

How Much Does a DWI Conviction Cost in NY?

A DWI conviction in New York is a serious matter. Even if it is the first offense, being convicted of a DWI carries significant costs, both to your wallet and your life. Even after paying fines and other fees, you may be facing consequences affecting your employment, your personal and professional relationships, and your future. If you are facing DWI charges on Long Island, you owe it to yourself to get the legal advice and guidance of an experienced DWI lawyer to help you navigate the legal system. Your lawyer will be able to advise you whether your best recourse is to fight the charges at a trial, try to get the charges dismissed, or negotiate a plea bargain. 

Initial New York DWI Costs, Fines, and Fees

In New York, alcohol-impaired driving typically falls into two main categories. These are

  • DWAI, or Driving While Ability Impaired, or
  • DWI, or Driving While Intoxicated

Both of these carry their own consequences and fines. For first-time offenders, a DWAI can carry fines between $300 and $500. For a DWI, you may be facing fines between $500 and $1,000 for a first offense.

You can add to that the costs of posting bail, court costs, paying any towing charges you may have incurred, and an impound fee. Depending on your particular situation, this can run into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars in financial costs. 

The Cost of DWI Classes in New York

If you are convicted of a DWI in New York, you will probably be ordered to attend substance abuse classes. These legally required classes do not come without their own financial implications. A substance abuse class in New York can start at $50 per class, with additional fees for substance abuse counseling at around $200. In addition to these, you can end up paying the cost of an alcohol abuse screening, which may also be required. 

The Cost to Your Insurance Premiums After a DWI in New York

After you are convicted of a DWI in New York, your insurance company will see you as a high risk. How big an effect it will have on your individual coverage and premiums will vary depending on who your insurer is and where you live. In most cases, at the very least, there will be a substantial increase in the price of your premiums – on average about $1,500 annually. Your premiums will be impacted by your DWI for about 3 years. 

Other Costs of a DWI in New York

Of course, these are only the financial costs of a DWI in New York. Many employers take a zero policy stance on those who are convicted of a DWI. Even for those whose employment is not directly impacted by a DWI conviction, you should consider the time spent away from work due to court appearances and substance abuse school, not to mention transportation costs if you have had your license suspended.

Because a DWI in New York remains permanently on your record, any future employer will see this when doing a background check. 

Get the Help of a Suffolk County DWI Lawyer

Being convicted of a DWI in New York has many consequences, not the least of which can be financial. If you can get charges dropped, reduced, or dismissed, it is worth your while in terms of your wallet and your future. If you have been charged with a DWI in New York, contact an experienced Long Island DWI lawyer for assistance. Call Jason Bassett Criminal Attorney to schedule a free consultation to understand your options. 

Suffolk County Criminal Lawyer | Criminal Attorney Jason Bassett Armvm_andrei How Much Does a DWI Conviction Cost in NY?


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